Codes of Conduct

UDevS Codes of Conduct

UDevS is dedicated to providing a safe, inclusive, and productive environment for all members. The following Codes of Conduct outline the expected behavior and responsibilities of all members:

1. Respect and Inclusivity

1.1. Treat all members with respect, kindness, and courtesy.

1.2. Foster an inclusive environment where everyone feels welcome, regardless of their background, identity, or level of experience.

1.3. Listen to others' viewpoints and respect differing opinions.

2. Professionalism

2.1. Conduct yourself in a professional manner during all club activities, meetings, and events.

2.2. Use appropriate language and behavior, refraining from any form of harassment, discrimination, or offensive conduct.

2.3. Punctuality and preparedness are expected for all meetings and events.

3. Collaboration and Contribution

3.1. Actively participate in club activities, projects, and discussions.

3.2. Share knowledge, resources, and expertise with fellow members.

3.3. Support and encourage other members in their learning and development.

4. Integrity and Ethics

4.1. Adhere to the highest standards of integrity and honesty in all club activities.

4.2. Do not plagiarize or use others' work without proper attribution.

4.3. Respect the intellectual property rights of others and the club.

5. Responsibility

5.1. Use the club's resources responsibly and ethically.

5.2. Take responsibility for your actions and their impact on others.

5.3. Report any violations of the Codes of Conduct to the club's patrons.

6. Privacy and Confidentiality

6.1. Respect the privacy and confidentiality of other members' personal information and work.

6.2. Do not share any confidential information or materials without permission.

7. Safe and Supportive Environment

7.1. Help create a safe and supportive environment for all members.

7.2. Speak up if you witness or experience any behavior that violates these Codes of Conduct.

7.3. Encourage a culture of mutual respect, support, and constructive feedback.

8. Compliance with Policies and Laws

8.1. Follow all club policies, University regulations, and applicable laws.

8.2. Ensure that your actions do not bring the club or the University into disrepute.

9. Continuous Improvement

9.1. Strive for continuous improvement in your skills, knowledge, and contributions to the club.

9.2. Be open to feedback and willing to learn from others.

By joining the UDevS, you agree to adhere to these Codes of Conduct. Violations of these codes may result in disciplinary action, including suspension or termination of membership. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the club's patron.